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Building Brand Admiration

Most products or services can easily be replaced and risk losing market share or obsolescence unless the brand experience is meaningful and provides undeniable value to its customers.

TRCH has helped dozens of clients uncover their true business purpose (what they do), their brand (why the have an emotional connection to customers), and how (what the behavioral effect is) it all leads to a meaningful customer experience. Having advocates of your brand is important. Knowing why they are advocates is necessary for growth.

Become Storytellers

The best brands have purpose and have built a repeatable connection between who customers are and who they want to be.

  • Craft a compelling story and tell it passionately – why you do what you do is what people buy.
  • A brand goes far beyond logos or icons – they are meaningful symbols that tell your story visually and memorably.
  • Don’t limit your brand strategy by who you are positioning your business in front of and whether they may care.

Brand Exploration

TRCH offers numerous assessments of brand, impact, and resilience for B2B and consumer-focused businesses. As well as brand design, identity and logo creation, and brand guides.

Brand Exploration is a process of alignment and strategy for internal stakeholders first. Using that output, a Market Positioning Guide, businesses can successfully navigate and develop a logical and actionable go-to-market or marketing strategy to the right ICP and personas. Brand Exploration workshops are interactive and engaging and give teams a unified voice. Precisely what the best brands convey in market.